
The word “Hora” means “hour” in Sanskrit, and this branch of astrology focuses on analysing the influence of the planets on different periods of time.

The Hora system divides the day into 24 hours, with each hour being ruled by a different planet. The first hour of the day is ruled by the planet that rules the day of the week, while the second hour is ruled by the planet that follows in the order of the seven classical planets. The cycle continues until all seven planets have ruled one hour each, after which the sequence begins again.

The Hora system can be used to make predictions about various aspects of life, including health, career, relationships, and financial prosperity. By analyzing the positions of the planets in different Hora charts, astrologers can gain insights into the energies that are most likely to manifest during specific time periods.

For example, if the Hora chart for a particular day indicates that the hour ruled by Venus is particularly auspicious for starting a new business venture, an astrologer may advise their client to schedule an important meeting or take other strategic action during that time period. Alternatively, if the Hora chart indicates that the hour ruled by Saturn is likely to be challenging, an astrologer may advise their client to avoid making important decisions during that time period.

In addition to analyzing the Hora charts for individual days, astrologers can also use the Hora system to analyze longer time periods, such as weeks, months, or years. By examining the positions of the planets in the Hora charts for longer time periods, astrologers can make predictions about broader trends and themes that are likely to manifest during those periods, as well as advise their clients on how to best navigate those energies.

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