Shiva is the consciousness that exists as a substratum in which all phenomenon appears and disappears. While Sakthi is the dynamic aspect in all manifested forms . In other words , Shiva is the empty screen in which Sakthi projects her vibrant film. The empty screen as Shiva, is thus devoid of any qualities existing as a witness to the play of Shakti. . According to Kashmir Shaiva Agama, the creation of the universe is the external reflection of everything that exists within the consciousness of Shiva. Tantras hold the idea that Shiva and Sakthi are thus inseparable like heat from fire, whiteness from milk, sweetness from sugar, luminosity from light, and weight from mass.
Sakthi is the opposite of the concept of Shiva. Shiva who is sthanu(stationary) ,and immovable, in one respect ,is the concept of divine energy in its static aspect, motionless, inherent ,and without qualities ; whereas, Sakthi is the concept of divine energy in its dynamic aspect. It is the personification of the Divine Energy that has brought the universe into existence; and that preserves it from disruptive forces. In other words sakthi is creative and preservative energy of the almighty(Sakthi Sangama Tantra‐ Kali Kandam,). She manifests herself as energy in everything and in every being.
It is Sakthi which is said to have brought the universe into existence
There are many aspects, forms and names of Shakti who is the mother of all. In creation she distinguishes herself, or through the will of Shiva, into three basic aspects:
Para (Transcendental energy)
Para’ means the Supreme energy of Shiva, otherwise known as His subjective energy.
Parapara (An immanent energy)
Parapara is the medium, An imminent sakthi of Shiva. It is called His cognitive energy.
Apara (an Inferior energy)
The third, Apara is Shiva’s Inferior sakthi and is referred to as His objective energy.
In Kashmir Shaivism I find a reference to five supernatural powers of shakti, awakened in himself by para Shiva. Their permutation, combination, concealment and manifestation is believed to be responsible for the multiplicity, plurality, diversity and duality of the beings, objects and their forms and shapes in the manifested worlds.
The five aspects of shakti manifested by Shiva are: chit‐shakti or the power of consciousness, ananda‐shakti or the power of bliss, iccha‐shakti, the power of desire or will, kriya‐shakti the power of action jnana‐shakti or the power of knowledge