One of the common problems many meditators experience is an energy imbalance within their system. This may manifest in our lives as uncontrollable emotional breakdowns, anxiety, fear (without any apparent reason), chronic headaches, particularly after a meditation session, reading spiritual books, etc.
A core reason for this is the immature awakening of the Kundalini Shakti. Kundalini is a dormant energy within every human being. Its awakening can occur during deep meditation, a near-death experience (NDE), continuous chanting of a mantra, extreme happiness or sadness, depression, etc. If the awakening is not done in a controlled environment, under the guidance of a spiritual master or guru, the experience of awakening or post-awakening symptoms could cause havoc within the system.
Insomnia, zoning out during day-to-day activities, experiencing continuous visions or dreams, and an inability to interact with people are a few of the many issues faced by those with an immature awakening of the Kundalini Shakti.
Many such individuals end up in psychiatric hospitals or mental asylums, as there is little to no information about this in society. Modern medicine and mental health practitioners typically treat this as being caused by genetics, hormonal imbalances, or chemical imbalances in the brain. However, only great Rishis (sages) have understood the core of the issue and provided solutions, one of which is to balance our energy system under the guidance of an awakened master.
Finding an awakened master is a difficult feat, and being accepted by the master and receiving initiation are even more challenging. This is where a consecrated space can aid in balancing the energy system. A Tantric temple is the energy body of an awakened being or yogi. However, not all Tantric temples function in the same way. The Tatva (essential quality) of the main deity of the temple plays a major role in how the space affects you. A temple that helps in bringing that much of stability is rare to find.
At Sreebhairavi, we are in the process of constructing a Tantric temple that will aid in balancing the Kundalini Shakti. This initiative will help not just seekers, but also people from all walks of life to bring balance in their lives and resolve their issues.

We express our sincere gratitude to all of you who are supporting our project for the upliftment of the society. Your generous contributions are instrumental in enabling us to sustain our programs and services. Your support means so much to us, and we are truly grateful.